Following the official release of Windows 11 by Microsoft, the list of processors that support the Windows 11 version has been released.
If your computer’s processor is listed in this list, your computer will support Windows 11.
The list is divided into three sections: Intel, AMD and Qualcomm.
List of Intel processors that support Windows 11
Intel Core Processor Model 7th Gen Processors and below Gen Processors Microsoft is not included in this list. This means that Intel Core 8th Gen processors and higher will support Windows 11 updates. However, it is expected that these CPU requirements will be eased in the future.
The list of Intel processors that support Windows 11 can be found here.
List of AMD processors that support Windows 11
Windows 11 supports Athlon, EPYC and Ryzen AMD processors. Windows 11 supports Ryzen-type processors with Zen + architecture and higher Ryzen processors. That is, Windows 11 will support AMD processors released after 2018.
The list of AMD processors that support Windows 11 can be found here.
List of Qualcomm processors that support Windows 11
If you are using a device with a Snapdragon chip that uses the Windows ARM version, the following is a list of Snapdragon chipsets that support Windows 11.
Snapdragon 850
Snapdragon 7c
Snapdragon 8c
Snapdragon 8cx
Snapdragon 8cx (Gen2)
Microsoft SQ1
Microsoft SQ2
Although not mentioned in these lists, Microsoft will soon announce an older processor that supports Windows 11.