Facebook is removing the accounts of people who do not agree with the rules of WhatsApp through an automated system. However, there are instances where the WhatsApp accounts of those who have not violated the rules have been removed by this automated system.
Currently, there is no quick way to retrieve a WhatsApp account when it is deleted.
As a solution to this problem, Facebook is introducing a new tool for WhatsApp. It’s about giving WhatsApp an in-App Tool that allows you to retrieve blocked / deleted accounts.
Accordingly, when the WhatsApp account is banned, it is possible to inquire about that action again. After such a review, within 24 hours, the WhatsApp account will review whether there has been any illegal activity in WhatsApp and will be notified about the review again. WhatsApp Chat History will not be deleted within 24 hours of this process and if the account is incorrectly identified by the system after the review, that is, if the WhatsApp account has not violated the rules, the WhatsApp account will be restored. If the review also confirms that the account has done something illegal, the WhatsApp account will be removed.
However, this feature has not yet been introduced for WhatsApp and will be available for iOS Beta first in a future beta version and then for the final stable version of the Android Beta version.